New traffic signs for our carpark have arrived!
School council met with Mrs Docherty to discuss their new roles as OPAL Ambassadors. They looked at and agreed the new OPAL charter.
The week before the end of term was another good week for attendance.
We had many children with 100% attendance. Well done, keep up the hard work!
Dear Community,
I hope that you have all had a wonderful Easter break and are looking forward to the last term of this academic year!
I would like to draw your attention to a Charity that provides Audio Books to those who struggle to access text/print due to challenges such as Dyslexia, Visual Impairment, Neurodevelopmental difficulties, Long Covid and other neurological or physical difficulties.
Access to Audio Books is free for children and young people under the age of 18, but adults can also access this charity service for a small fee.
Please check out the link below to find out more.
I do hope that you find the link useful.
Take care
Jo Donkin
Huge congratulations to our Times Tables Rock Stars Leaderboard front-runners in Key Stage Two this term. Their efforts at home and in school to be the best they can be in all-things multiplying and dividing has been nothing short of amazing! Mental maths is such an important part of our journey in mathematics in school and regular practice a few times each week can make a significant difference to confidence, progress and attainment. Well done everyone and keep up the good work after Easter!
Last week’s attendance was amazing!
Rec Blue
1 Red
2 Red
3 Red
4 Red
5 Red
6 Blue
6 Red
Have all rolled the dice and won a prize from the attendance-opoly board.
Well done to all the children who attended 100%, here are some of our wonderful attendees!