Dear Parents & Carers,
If you have a child who has recently received an Autism diagnosis or received an Autism diagnosis some time ago, but you haven’t yet attended a support programme, please make note of the following:
EarlyBird, EarlyBird Plus and Teen Life are excellent and easily accessible programmes that assist you to develop a tool-kit of strategies that will enable you to support your child. Working along side other parents, carers and school staff (where they are able to attend), you will receive invaluable opportunities to share your experiences and pick up some ‘Top Tips’ along the way.
If you would like to attend, but a little worried about making that first step, please just get in touch with me and I will support you with this.
Please remember that this course is for the parents and carers of those children who have already received an Autism diagnosis.
Have a wonderful half-term break.
Ms Donkin
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. It’s a chance to think about our mental health and what we can do to protect it.
The place where we go to for comfort and to feel calm is very important as it often helps us to feel better when we are experiencing worries.
Where is your ‘happy place?’ At the beach listening to the waves, walking in the woods, cooking something delicious, spending time with your family, walking the dog?
We would love you to send us some photographs throughout this week showing us the places that make you and your child feel happy and calm.
Miss Fada
Senior Mental Health Lead
What an amazing week we have had celebrating the Coronation. We made ‘natural crowns’, decorated tiles, created loose part crowns, red white and blue patterns, built palaces and so much more! Today we had a party outside and it was sunny!
Dear Community,
The Local Education Authority would like you to know about the SENDIASS Team (Special Educational Needs and Disability, Information Advice and Support Service), who are here to support parents, carers and staff, or anyone else who supports anyone with additional needs.
Epinay Business and Enterprise School have the pleasure of hosting an event with the SENDIASS Team on Wednesday 21 June 15.30 – 17.30.
If you would like to meet services and find out more about the support that is on offer then you can book a free ticket.
Please see the flyer for more information!
Scan the QR code, get in touch at the address on the flyer or click on the following link.