Our current Learning Means The World theme is ‘Ticket To Ride!’ We have been using this throughout our learning. In maths we have looked at numbers, 1 more and 1 less, number bonds, shape and positional language. We have gone on magical train rides telling our friends where we would go and why. We used our sounds and made transport words such as van, bus, truck, sub etc And of course some snowy fun!
Dear Community,
Just a little reminder that if one of your children or a child that you care for has received an Autism diagnosis, then you can contact the EarlyBird Team and enroll onto a really informative and supportive course to help you understand more about Autism and get lots of tips and ideas from the course providers and other parents and carers.
Please see the attached flyer for the up and coming Information Meeting dates (in green) and just pop along as there is no need to book a place.
Take Care
Jo Donkin
Please take a look at the latest information shared by Key Community.
Hello all
Just a quick email letting you know that the bus timetable has had a slight update so I have attached the new timetable for your records. As always we really appreciate your participation in advertising and encouraging/advising others in the community about the many benefits the bus has to offer whether that be affordable shopping, advice or fuel support it all goes a long way in helping those in our community.
The new timetable starts from next week at week one on Tuesday 16th January and will keep rotating from there until any further updates are undertaken in which case I will update you with any further changes.
Kind regards
Dear Community,
Please take a look at the latest information shared by South Tyneside Parent and Carer Forum below.
Happy New Year to all of our Parent Carers!
We have our first Drop-In Session taking place on Thursday 25th January 2024. This event is being hosted at Hebburn Family Hub but is open to ALL parent carers across South Tyneside.
The event is FREE and you do not need to pre-book a place. The session starts at 10am and will finish at 11:30am.
The theme for this event is Wellbeing and we will be joined by Carly at Luna Blu – Creative Arts Therapy who will introduce her business and let you know what events she has planned this year.
Wellbeing is important not just for the child or young person, but also for the parent carer. Come down, catch up and be heard.
See you there!
Tickets please! Reception had a fabulous day of hot chocolate, dancing, conga, bingo and so much more!
Wow, wow, wow! Reception were absolute superstars in the Christmas Nativity show, they have worked their socks off learning lots of songs and lines and are all truly magnificent stars in the making. We definitely have some budding actors and musicians amongst them and the Early Years team are bursting with pride.