The week before the end of term was another good week for attendance.
We had many children with 100% attendance. Well done, keep up the hard work!
The week before the end of term was another good week for attendance.
We had many children with 100% attendance. Well done, keep up the hard work!
Last week’s attendance was amazing!
Rec Blue
1 Red
2 Red
3 Red
4 Red
5 Red
6 Blue
6 Red
Have all rolled the dice and won a prize from the attendance-opoly board.
Well done to all the children who attended 100%, here are some of our wonderful attendees!
This afternoon, 3 Red had a biscuit treat as a prize on Attendance-opoly! We decorated biscuits using food colouring, sweets and icing sugar. Well done and keep up the hard work 3 Red.
At our stay-and -play, we had a great time showing our grown-ups some of the things that we enjoy doing in Nursery. It was lovely to see lots of the adults and to show them how amazing their children are!
The Key community Bus will be stopping at a range of venues acxross South Tyneside.
Downstairs there will be a shop selling good quality fresh fruit and vegetables, packet, tinned, and non perishable food and non-food and hygiene items, baby wipes, milk and nappies for very low prices in the hope of helping individuals/families money to go further, reduce waste and lower the need for the number of people attending food banks which is at an all time high. All money made from this project feeds back into the charity and food bank we run in South Shields.
Upstairs there is seating areas where we can offer advice and direct/refer individuals to relevant interventive services. We hope to have some of these services available on board to offer advice and are hoping to have the likes of welfare rights, Drug and alcohol services among others. The bus has an awning and out door seating and offers tea and coffee for those who would just like to come along and have a chat.
The bus is for absolutely anyone to use and is not restricted to those on benefits, it is for the whole community.
We currently offer free school uniform and winter coats free of charge upstairs on the bus and have a pop up Christmas shop with toys and Christmas items at very reduced prices.