This week we have been learning about the Northern Lights and the amazing patterns they create across the sky. We have created some beautiful Northern Light pictures using pastels and the ‘blending’ technique. We then decided that we would use the computers to create the same picture and compared the two. We enjoyed using the computers but the majority thought that the pastels looked better. What do you think?
Year 2 were so incredibility lucky to have an amazing afternoon with Mark Bryant from Media Partnership. He spoke to the children about his experiences working within the media industry, and all of the different roles there are. He also demonstrated some of the equipment the company uses for filming, and then explained how Green Screen works.
As you’ll see from the photographs, the children had an amazing experience linking real life to their current Learning Means The World theme- Inter-Nation Media Station.
This week we have been exploring pattern. We have looked at repeating pattern using objects, colour, language and percussion. We created pattern, copied pattern and became pattern detectives looking for pattern in our environment and in stories.
Today Year 5 have taken part in an ICT workshop.
The children spent some time working with the Micro:bit (a tiny, pocket-sized computer).
Year 5 were able to use their coding skills and work their way through a range of different games, working collaboratively as a team. The children loved playing the rock, paper, scissors game and creating a musical melody with their Micro:bit.
The Micro;bit links to different curriculum areas and connects to hundreds of possible games.
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed using these today.
and will definitely be adding one to their Christmas list!
Today, we have made our own animation props! We designed these using the scissor mechanism. We used strong card and split pins to create a moving prop that we can use in our own stop-motion animations. We were very proud of our creations and even got to show Mrs Bramley!