This week the children have been trying their hand at sewing. This was no easy task, but like the true Adventurers that we are we gave it everything we had. Our bravery, resilience and determination led us in the right direction!
This week the children have been trying their hand at sewing. This was no easy task, but like the true Adventurers that we are we gave it everything we had. Our bravery, resilience and determination led us in the right direction!
As part of our work around the book ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ this week, the nursery children had lots of fun making some healthy ham salad sandwiches.
We talked about why we need to wash our hands before preparing food and the importance of a healthy, balanced diet.
The children used their fine motor skills to spread the butter, chop the cucumber and tomato (with help from a grown up) and cut their sandwiches. They did a great job and we had some very happy faces when they sat down to eat them too!
Well done, Nursery!
We have been learning about the importance of solar power and how we can use it to help with our daily lives. We decided to make a solar oven and cook biscuits. We followed the instructions very carefully and worked well as part of a team. We put our ovens in the sun and waited for our chocolate topping to melt. The chocolate had started to melt and we discussed that if it had been in the sun all day it would have worked even better. They tasted delicious!
In our Learning Means The World theme, ‘Light Up The World’ we have been looking at the sun and creating leaflets and posters of the rules we need to follow in order to be safe when we are out in the sun. We have found out that suncream, glasses, hat and t-shirts are very important. We then designed our own split pin lever card to show the sun and how we keep ourselves safe
This week in DT, we designed and made a pair of hairy trousers like Ragnar Lothbrok’s, which could protect us in battle.
As part of our LMTW theme ‘Food Glorious Food’ we have been looking at ‘sweet foods’ We have used the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ throughout the week including Drawing Club. The children have been building the bears house using 3D shapes which was part of our maths this week. We talked about which shapes would be the best for building and why. They recreated the story, wrote captions, read instructions of how to make porridge and used their maths skills of full and empty to recreate the porridge scene, also using size to make sure the bears were in the corrects chairs! We tasted honey and talked about how it is a healthy sweet option and why. We then ate a variety of sweet foods and timed how long it would take to eat them. We talked about which took the longest/shortest times and why, using our science skills of how chocolate melts and why. We looked at and discussed which sweet foods are healthy and which are not healthy, ask your children to tell you, they were experts!
We have had a very busy week in Reception. We have been learning about the Easter Story and the build up to Easter. The importance of Easter for Christians and what symbols represent Easter. We have been making chicks, eggs, baskets, chocolate nest, retelling the story of Easter and so much more! Ask us to tell you about Easter and when you are supposed to have Easter eggs!
Wow,wow,wow! Thank you to each an every one of you who entered our ‘decorated’ egg competition. It has been very difficult choosing the winners as the entries were all eggstremely eggstatic! Winners will be revealed in tomorrows’ celebration assembly.
We went on our trip today to West Boldon Lodge. It was absolutely fantastic and we loved every minute. We have done lots of new activities including making a journey stick, den building, looking for signs of spring, using tools to chop wood, fire building and our best bit…..roasting marshmallows over our fire. We have learnt new skills and worked together as a team brilliantly.
This week in our Learning Means The World theme ‘Athens V Sparta’ we have been building a Grecian car. We used our measuring skills to measure each piece of wood and used the saws to cut the lines we measured. We followed the safety instructions for using the saws to ensure we used the equipment safely. We are very proud of our finished products and even got to race them!