This week in our ‘LMTW’ lessons we have been learning about African culture. We looked at the foods from across Africa and even had a go and making and eating some ourselves. We made a cous cous dish and mango smoothies.
This week in our ‘LMTW’ lessons we have been learning about African culture. We looked at the foods from across Africa and even had a go and making and eating some ourselves. We made a cous cous dish and mango smoothies.
We took part in a design and technology lesson and used our theme of ‘Come Fly With Me- Arctic’ as inspiration. We decided to create an Arctic scene and then create a slider to show the sun rising and setting. We carefully snipped two slits in our card then inserted our sliding piece. We then created our scene and made our sun rise and set. We had lots of fun learning this new skill.
This week 1 Blue have been designing and making their own mechanisms. They used their skills to make a moving picture of the Arctic using a slider mechanism.
This is week two of our visit to 🇨🇳 China! We enjoyed exploring noodles with chopsticks, making money wallets, creating Chinese flags, making dragon heads and then having a dragon dance around our school, Chinese writing and of course the food tasting! What a busy week!
7 Red designed and made a fairy pot –
Small enough for a fairy.
A lid to keep the magic in.
A handle for the lid.
An attractive design/ pattern.
Thumb pot construction/ assembly.
I think 7 Red ticked all the boxes……
The Nursery children all agreed that fruit and vegetables are healthy and we set about exploring. First we used all our senses to explore a range of fruits and vegetables, talking about them using descriptive vocabulary such as furry, soft, wet, sticky, smooth and sweet. We printed with different types of fruit and vegetables, talking about the colours and shapes. We investigated which fruit and vegetables float and which ones sink and we have used our knowledge of shape and number to make fruit faces. Why not continue exploring at home and see if you notice any interesting fruit and vegetables while you are out and about.
As part of our Learning Means The World theme ‘Happy to be Me,’ we have been looking at our 5 senses and how we use each one. Today we focused on the senses: taste, smell, touch and hearing. We tried various different foods and used associated vocabulary to describe how they felt; whether we could hear noises when we were eating the foods; how they tasted and all of the different smells.
The children were amazing as everyone tried foods they had not tasted before. The sour- sweet was the best, we had some funny faces from that experience !
On Monday, after our relaxing meditation, we set our minds to creating a communication device for an evil genius. We used our science skills to create an electrical circuit and our DT design skills to plan our masterpiece! Our intention was to communicate with our loyal minions using Morse code, which was used during World War I and II to communicate in secret.
As part of our ‘A World of Bright Ideas‘ theme, 6 Blue have recently been creating their own range of greetings cards. We looked into the meanings of the terms ‘copyright’ and ‘trademark’ before planning our designs. The children printed the cards using embossed polystyrene sheets, rollers and block printing ink to create some very professional-looking end products. Well done everyone – here is a sample of some of the cards!
As part of our ‘A World of Bright Ideas’ theme, Year 6 have been busy planning a recipe, pitching it to the class and eventually creating a healthy snack. 6 Blue made breakfast bars and 6 Red decided upon fruit kebabs. The end results were fantastic! Well done everyone!