We have had a spoofy fun filled week in Reception. We have created spooky art, recreated some stories and drawn pictures, investigated pumpkins and so much more. We finished it all with a fabulous Halloween party!
We have had a spoofy fun filled week in Reception. We have created spooky art, recreated some stories and drawn pictures, investigated pumpkins and so much more. We finished it all with a fabulous Halloween party!
This week we have been exploring pattern. We have looked at repeating pattern using objects, colour, language and percussion. We created pattern, copied pattern and became pattern detectives looking for pattern in our environment and in stories.
This week we began our maths and Sounds Write journey. In maths we have been matching and sorting. In Sounds Write we have our new sounds m, a, t, and s which we have been word building with. We have also been reading and spelling words containing those sounds. After our whole class learning lots of our children went out into the provision and began their independent learning, explaining their reasons and problem solving.
After reading the story Amazing Grace we’ve talked a lot about our aspirations this week. 2 Red showed the importance of teamwork while producing a collaboration of their ideas of what people need to do to achieve their dreams.
Nursery explored the school on a listening walk. We talked about what we need to do to be a good listener including; using our ears, standing still and being quiet. We heard lots of things like keys jingling, children talking and people walking. I wonder what the children can hear if they use their listening skills at home?
We have been working so hard to develop our gross and fine motor skills over the last few weeks. Outside we have been climbing, running, dancing and negotiating obstacles. We have also been using scarves, dough disco, cutting, drawing tutorials and so much more to develop our fine motor skills.
We used our measuring and science skills to make gingerbread men. We discussed the equipment and the ingredients we would need. We then talked about the change the ingredients went through as we added an ingredient or completed an action. We then got to the best part….we ate him before he ran away and he was yummy!
Welcome to the first post showcasing the amazing work completed by year 1. The children have all settled back into school life with ease and are taking on their new challenges with excitement and creativity. We have been looking at sorting objects in various ways in our maths lessons and ‘The Colour Monster’ has been our book of choice in English where we have been talking about our feelings. Our PE sessions this term are with our sports coach and we are focussing on different ways to move and jump. Our Learning Means the World lessons have been around safe playing with our friends and looking at habitats and life cycles of animals. As you can see we have been really busy but have had so much fun and can’t wait to share more of our experiences with you throughout the year!
What an amazing week we have had celebrating the Coronation. We made ‘natural crowns’, decorated tiles, created loose part crowns, red white and blue patterns, built palaces and so much more! Today we had a party outside and it was sunny!