Nursery explored the school on a listening walk. We talked about what we need to do to be a good listener including; using our ears, standing still and being quiet. We heard lots of things like keys jingling, children talking and people walking. I wonder what the children can hear if they use their listening skills at home?
We have been working so hard to develop our gross and fine motor skills over the last few weeks. Outside we have been climbing, running, dancing and negotiating obstacles. We have also been using scarves, dough disco, cutting, drawing tutorials and so much more to develop our fine motor skills.
We used our measuring and science skills to make gingerbread men. We discussed the equipment and the ingredients we would need. We then talked about the change the ingredients went through as we added an ingredient or completed an action. We then got to the best part….we ate him before he ran away and he was yummy!
Welcome to the first post showcasing the amazing work completed by year 1. The children have all settled back into school life with ease and are taking on their new challenges with excitement and creativity. We have been looking at sorting objects in various ways in our maths lessons and ‘The Colour Monster’ has been our book of choice in English where we have been talking about our feelings. Our PE sessions this term are with our sports coach and we are focussing on different ways to move and jump. Our Learning Means the World lessons have been around safe playing with our friends and looking at habitats and life cycles of animals. As you can see we have been really busy but have had so much fun and can’t wait to share more of our experiences with you throughout the year!
What an amazing week we have had celebrating the Coronation. We made ‘natural crowns’, decorated tiles, created loose part crowns, red white and blue patterns, built palaces and so much more! Today we had a party outside and it was sunny!
Last week we had a very special delivery of 10 eggs, so far 9 of them have hatched, 1 boy and 8 girls. The children have loved watching them hatch and are really enjoying learning about the life cycle. 🥚 🐣 🐤 on Friday we held them. The children were amazing, so gentle and kind. They were able to tell us how to carefully look after them, how we keep them safe and what they need to stay healthy. They also discussed why their feathers are so soft and fluffy. 🐥👏🏻⭐️🐥👏🏻⭐️
This week we have been reading a lovely book called ‘Once upon a dragon’s fire’ by Beatrice Blue which inspired us to create our own stories about a dragon. The children made their own puppets and held a puppet show to share their story. We had a wonderful time and one of the children had so much fun he has made his own puppet show frame from cardboard so he can create more puppet shows at home.
Today we had a very special visit. One of our parents came into school to talk to the children about a storybook she has written. It is called ‘The Little Falcon’. It is a very special story that is based on her son. In the story the bird cannot fly and is supported by Jodi. Jodi is a fantastic lady who runs marathons etc for Toby and sends him the medals. Toby, the author’s son, has cerebral palsy and we talked about some of the equipment that he uses to support him so he can be included and involved in so many activities. It was a fabulous afternoon and the children were able to talk about similarities, differences and why it is so important to be a good friend and look out for each other. There is a photo of the QR code if you would like to buy a copy of this fabulous book 😊
This week we have read the Easter story and then used story stones to sequence it. We have made transient art Easter bunnies and eggs, used eggs to create number bonds of 10, bunny baskets and Easter nests and cards. We also used paint outside to create Easter eggs and wrote some amazing Easter captions, what a busy week 🐇❤️🥚🐇❤️🥚