7 Red and their fantastic phonics work this week…
Well Done !
7 Red and their fantastic phonics work this week…
Well Done !
The Nursery children all agreed that fruit and vegetables are healthy and we set about exploring. First we used all our senses to explore a range of fruits and vegetables, talking about them using descriptive vocabulary such as furry, soft, wet, sticky, smooth and sweet. We printed with different types of fruit and vegetables, talking about the colours and shapes. We investigated which fruit and vegetables float and which ones sink and we have used our knowledge of shape and number to make fruit faces. Why not continue exploring at home and see if you notice any interesting fruit and vegetables while you are out and about.
This week in our Learning Means the World theme, Inter-Nation Media Station, we found out more about the famous rap star, Top Dollar. We got into character, practising our coolest walk around the room before collecting the music award for Best New Song.
We took inspiration for our thank you speech from clips of Ed Sheeran, Emma Watson and Malala Yousafzai, before performing these speeches for our audience.
We have read the story of The Gingerbread Man. The children have enjoyed retelling the story, using the play dough to make their own gingerbread men, counting buttons on different gingerbread men and lots more!
The children used jelly tots, chocolate drops and icing sugar to decorate their own gingerbread man biscuit.
We think they did a great job and hope they enjoy eating them as much as they enjoyed decorating them!
Today year 4 have been learning how to use apostrophes for contractions in English.
Throughout our theme ‘Happily Ever After’ we have been looking at fairytales. This week we have been reading and completing work around the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We decided that cookies are a great treat and that we would like to make them (to make sure they were good enough for Granny obviously). We looked at a recipe and thought about what ingredients we would need. We then used the correct equipment to weigh out the ingredients and mix the batter. Our Teacher put them in the oven and took them out when it was time then we took them home to eat, before The Big Bad Wolf could smell them!
We have been busy bees in Reception today. Exploring, making new friends and physical fun Friday outside in the sun!
In English we are exploring Fairytales. This week our tale is Little Red Riding Hood.
We made our own puppets and ‘acted out’ the story … the wolf was very frightening!
Challenge question – ‘What IS a Fairytale?, how is it different to other stories?’
We have launched our first theme of the year, which is based all around COMMUNICATION. During assembly the children found out how meerkats communicate with each other. Did you know that they take it in turns to watch out for predators and when everything is ok they make a low constant peeping known as ‘The Watchman’s song’? If a predator is spotted the guard alerts the others with a bark or a whistle.
People have been communicating with each other throughout the whole of human history, but how we communicate with each other has changed massively over the last 30 years.
We are going to be investigating all sorts of weird and wonderful ways of communicating in our new theme.