This afternoon Reception went for an Autumn walk in our garden. We looked for signs of Autumn, talked about the different leaves, berries and fruits we saw. We also talked about which animals hibernate as we could not find any frogs. After that we went for a run around on the grass.
We have been busy bees in Reception today. Exploring, making new friends and physical fun Friday outside in the sun!
We have launched our first theme of the year, which is based all around COMMUNICATION. During assembly the children found out how meerkats communicate with each other. Did you know that they take it in turns to watch out for predators and when everything is ok they make a low constant peeping known as ‘The Watchman’s song’? If a predator is spotted the guard alerts the others with a bark or a whistle.
People have been communicating with each other throughout the whole of human history, but how we communicate with each other has changed massively over the last 30 years.
We are going to be investigating all sorts of weird and wonderful ways of communicating in our new theme.
Reception had a fabulous day at the beach. Sunshine, a shallow dip, ice creams and so much sandy fun and exploration! A perfect end to an amazing year!
Year 1 and 7 Red went on a trip to the Centre For Life in Newcastle as part of our theme of Light and Dark. In the scientific part of the visit we experimented with moving cogs, built rockets, researched how astronauts live out in space (including how they go to the toilet!) and manned a space station. We also visited the planetarium and watched the story of Little Bear and saw all the constellations in our skies. In our geographical section of our trip we looked at animals from different continents and were able to name the continents and discover what the habitat is like on each continent. We then went into the play zone where we were able to create structures, shadows and role play. We had an amazing day and our behaviour was exemplary! We are so proud of you all!
This week year 4 have completed another ‘Get Ahead’ challenge. They designed group murals based on the theme ‘Conservation’. Well done year 4.
We have had a great time celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee! Lots of red, white and blue fun finished off with a lunchtime street party!
As part of our theme this half term, ‘Picture Our Planet’, the children have completed their own independent pieces of homework. Well done 4 Blue.
6 Red have begun our new LMTW theme, Global Warning!
As part of our topic, we explored the impact of pollution, specifically ocean pollutants.
We found out that oil and chemicals make up the largest proportion of ocean pollution, however it is difficult to remove from the sea once it has been contaminated.
During our investigation, we attempted to find the most efficient method of clearing the oil from the water.
Many of us hypothesised that the sponge would work the best, as it absorbs water, however we realised that water has smaller particles than oil.
In the end, believe it or not, our result found that a pair of nylon tights that attracted the oil and successfully separated it; we discussed that due to it’s similar properties, oil is attracted to nylon!