1 Red have returned to school after the Christmas break very keen and eager to learn. In maths the children have working on place value within 20 and have been playing independently with a range of resources to support their learning. In Learning Means the World our new theme is ‘Never Eat Shredded Wheat.’ We have been using a compass to plot and navigate points around the world and looking at the seven different continents and the countries within each one. We have used lots of role play to support our learning in both LMTW and English around the theme of pirates. The children have really enjoyed this aspect of learning and are linking it to other aspects of the curriculum and within their independent work. In PE we are exploring dance using our bodies to embrace rhythm and movement.
This week in Year One we have been focusing on 2d and 3d shapes in Math’s and discussing their various properties. We have sorted, classified, arranged and looked for different shapes in the environment. A large focus of the week was using associated vocabulary related to the different shapes. We have enjoyed searching for shapes in our learning provison.
Another busy week! The children are really developing their phonics and maths skills and using these skills in their independent time. Fabulous creative work and amazing team work.
Nursery have been working hard this week learning about the number 2. We have found lots of ways to represent the number 2, using our fingers, numicon, dice and objects. We have; found 2, subitized 2 played matching 2 games, painted on one side of paper butterflies then folded them to make 2 spots, we have been on a 2 treasure hunt, made a 2 snack and searched for 2 golden coins in the sand. we have also had lots of updates from parents about their children finding 2 at home. Well done everyone.
Another fabulous week in Reception. In our learning means the world theme we have been visiting India. We have been looking at Indian culture, traditions and dancing! Our Sounds Write skills are developing and we have had so much fun in the snow!
Nursery invited parents for a Stay and Play session. We showed off our ‘Wake-Up Shake-Up dance and our welcome song, before showing the parents some of the activities that we do in our maths sessions. The children loved showing off our nursery to their parents and the parents enjoyed finding out more about what their children do when they are at nursery.
This week in Reception we have been using our knowledge of circles and triangles to sort and create shape pictures. We used lots of positional language as we made our way round the obstacle course. We have been working on our Sounds Write skills and made lots of fabulous creations!
This week, Hebburn Lakes have taken part in an epic battle of Times Tables, against the rest of England!
We have worked incredibly hard to earn coins and points, increasing our times table knowledge and speedy recall!
Whilst we didn’t come top of the England leaderboard, we have had some friendly competition within school- across each Key Stage!
After an intense battle, with the leaderboard constantly changing, our top Rock Star champions were:
2 Blue – Key Stage 1
4 Blue – Lower Key Stage 2
6 Blue – Upper Key Stage 2
A huge congratulations to all the children for their achievement!
In addition, we have three individual Rock Star shout-out’s, to those children who reached the top three spots, in the overall school:
1st – Cameron (6 Blue)
2nd – Esme (5 Blue)
3rd- Tyler-Jae (4 Blue)
Well done to all of the children, who took part and remember, keep practicing those times tables; they really do help to support your Maths learning, skills and progress!
The children in year one love exploring the outdoor area during the continuous provision to consolidate any Math’s work they have done in class. This week we have been focusing on number bonds to 10 and this was clearly evident in the children’s play outdoors.
A fabulous first week back! We have been looking at China in our Learning Means The World theme ‘Come fly with me Asia’. We have been looking at Chinese artefacts, writing our names in Chinese and we even made a Chinese restaurant in our home corner! We also talked about Remembrance Sunday and made poppies, our tree is looking amazing!