The children in year one love exploring the outdoor area during the continuous provision to consolidate any Math’s work they have done in class. This week we have been focusing on number bonds to 10 and this was clearly evident in the children’s play outdoors.
A fabulous first week back! We have been looking at China in our Learning Means The World theme ‘Come fly with me Asia’. We have been looking at Chinese artefacts, writing our names in Chinese and we even made a Chinese restaurant in our home corner! We also talked about Remembrance Sunday and made poppies, our tree is looking amazing!
If you are ever stuck on how to add 3 digits together just ask one of us! We are amazing and found that we could use our 10’s frames to place each number. We then realised that once we had made them the other number was easy to see. We are experts now and were able to answer some mastery questions.
In 1 Red this week we listened to the story of Little Red Riding Hood as part our LMTW ‘Happily Ever After’. As part of the Design and Technology element mixed with a little bit of Maths we made some cookies like the ones Red Riding took to her Grandma. First we looked at the ingredients, then measured them appropriately before rolling and cutting out the cookies. Next we placed them in the oven before finally eating them. The final consensus was that they were delicious!
The children in 2 Blue have had a great start to the year. We have made messages with counters and flags and looked at various ways of communicating. We have worked on working out the tens and ones in any given number and what it looks like. We have settled in to our new routines and even though there is a little bit more to do, we know we are going to smash Year 2!
This week we have been working really hard on our place value in maths. Today we have been doing flexible partitioning of numbers to 1000. Although this sounds really complicated, 3 Blue have been amazing and are always ready for the next challenge.
Well done to Angelina and Bella who are this week’s winners of our Maths Problem Of The Week! Angelina used her reasoning skills to correctly identify the correct coin and Bella correctly identified a right angle from the clues. Well done girls and enjoy your pencils!
This week in maths we have been sharing and grouping. The children have done a fabulous job. They have problem solved, explained their reasons and ensured all groups are equal. They also shared sweets between themselves and their friends, again using their problem solving and reasoning skills throughout. Of course they ate the sweets after! Ask them to show you their skills at home.
Huge congratulations to all of the children in Year 4 who this week completed their Multiplication Check. The children were calm and confident and we have no doubt that as a year group they have performed superbly. Well done everyone!
Well done to Jacob for his stellar efforts to learn his times-tables! Not only has Jacob put a huge amount of effort into Times Tables Rockstars, he has also delved deeper into his knowledge of the 9x table, producing a quite brilliant list of the multiples of 9! Well done Jacob!