This week we have been exploring pattern. We have looked at repeating pattern using objects, colour, language and percussion. We created pattern, copied pattern and became pattern detectives looking for pattern in our environment and in stories.
This week we have been exploring pattern. We have looked at repeating pattern using objects, colour, language and percussion. We created pattern, copied pattern and became pattern detectives looking for pattern in our environment and in stories.
Well done to the class winners of Times Tables Rock Stars ‘Battle Of The Bands’ tournament for Autumn Term 1/Week 4:
3 Red: 73 Points
3 Blue: 27 Points
4 Red: 143 Points
4 Blue: 387 Points
5 Red: 6 Points
5 Blue: 17 Points
6 Red: 99 Points
6 Blue: 91 Points
Keep up the good work 3 Red, 4 Blue, 5 Blue & 6 Red!
Let’s see the runners-up classes try to reclaim the year group trophy next week in the new battle which launches each Monday. Good luck Rock Stars!
This week we began our maths and Sounds Write journey. In maths we have been matching and sorting. In Sounds Write we have our new sounds m, a, t, and s which we have been word building with. We have also been reading and spelling words containing those sounds. After our whole class learning lots of our children went out into the provision and began their independent learning, explaining their reasons and problem solving.
We have been working so hard to develop our gross and fine motor skills over the last few weeks. Outside we have been climbing, running, dancing and negotiating obstacles. We have also been using scarves, dough disco, cutting, drawing tutorials and so much more to develop our fine motor skills.
Welcome to the first post showcasing the amazing work completed by year 1. The children have all settled back into school life with ease and are taking on their new challenges with excitement and creativity. We have been looking at sorting objects in various ways in our maths lessons and ‘The Colour Monster’ has been our book of choice in English where we have been talking about our feelings. Our PE sessions this term are with our sports coach and we are focussing on different ways to move and jump. Our Learning Means the World lessons have been around safe playing with our friends and looking at habitats and life cycles of animals. As you can see we have been really busy but have had so much fun and can’t wait to share more of our experiences with you throughout the year!
In 1 Red this week we have been looking at ways in which we can show information. We decided to ask our friends their favourite fruit and then discussed the best way to show this. We decided a tally chart was a good way but after a while this became confusing as we couldn’t be sure that we hadn’t already counted that answer. We then decided that creating a bar chart was the easiest and best way to show our results. We are fantastic!
This week in our ‘Light Up The World’ theme we have been looking at light and dark; what creates a shadow and how shadows change over time. The children have measured shadows throughout the day, made their own shadow puppets and figured out that a solid object does not let light through and that is how a shadow is formed. They had great fun using the torches to create big and small shadows.
In Maths this week we have been looking at position and direction. We used lots of mathematical vocabulary to describe where we were or give our friends directions. We know full turn, half turn, 3/4 turn and 1/4 turn. We then moved onto forwards, backwards, left and right. We had great fun directing our friends around the classroom, completing dances that included directions for us to follow and, possibly the most fun of all
……we programmed a Beebot with directions to arrive at a given destination!
In 1 Blue this week as part of our math’s learning we have been recognising and finding a quarter of a shape and a quantity. The children have worked practically in pairs to find quarters .They have linked their learning to last week in math’s where they worked on recognising and finding a half.
In Maths this week we have been looking at halving. We were able to spot half an object or a shape, create our own half shapes and half quantities. We are fantastic at halving numbers using ladybird wings to support us.