What an amazing week we have had celebrating the Coronation. We made ‘natural crowns’, decorated tiles, created loose part crowns, red white and blue patterns, built palaces and so much more! Today we had a party outside and it was sunny!
What an amazing week we have had celebrating the Coronation. We made ‘natural crowns’, decorated tiles, created loose part crowns, red white and blue patterns, built palaces and so much more! Today we had a party outside and it was sunny!
This week we have been measuring using objects, scales and rulers. We have been estimating how heavy, light, tall or short our chosen objects were. We even used a ruler and were able to measure using centimetres and half centimetres! It was great fun using the resources and finding out if our estimates were correct.
This week we have read the Easter story and then used story stones to sequence it. We have made transient art Easter bunnies and eggs, used eggs to create number bonds of 10, bunny baskets and Easter nests and cards. We also used paint outside to create Easter eggs and wrote some amazing Easter captions, what a busy week 🐇❤️🥚🐇❤️🥚
This week we have been working with number bonds to 10. We used various concrete objects to support our learning. We investigated various numbers and looked at their number bonds. Skittles, bean bags, numicon, aliens and so many other ways! Ask us some of our number bonds if you see us!
3 Red had fun investigating equivalent fractions in maths today. We used the fraction parts to find different equivalents to unit and non-unit fractions.
3 Red had fun investigating equivalent fractions in maths today. We used the fraction parts to find different equivalents to unit and non-unit fractions.
[Year 4 have been busy problem solving in Maths this week. They needed to use their multiplication knowledge to help them arrange four numbers (1, 2, 3 and 21) on a grid to make a diagonal, vertical or horizontal line. They could only put a number card on a square with a multiple of that number or factor of that number. The children really enjoyed solving this problem, finding as many different ways as they could. Well done Year 4!
This week in our Maths we have been matching numerals to its picture form then trying our best to write the number word. This has been very tricky, especially the writing of the word in its number form but we didn’t give up. We then used our great communication and language skills to explain to our partner what picture we were looking at. Our partner had to listen very carefully and draw what we had said, sound easy? Well we did it back to back so we really had to concentrate on our partners words and directions. It was geat fun!
This week we have been combining groups. We have used our maths knowledge and concrete objects to support our learning. We are maths superstars!
We are very proud of our work and achievements.
A snapshot of the amazing work and effort this week from 7 Red ….well done!