We have been looking at numbers 0 to 5. Our jobs included comparing, recognising the numbers, number bonds, 1 more 1 less, is it equal? Who has the most and who has the least? We have used lots of equipment to support our learning.
We have been looking at numbers 0 to 5. Our jobs included comparing, recognising the numbers, number bonds, 1 more 1 less, is it equal? Who has the most and who has the least? We have used lots of equipment to support our learning.
1 Red have hit the ground running this week by coming back to school energised and ready to learn. Our new theme is ‘Never Eat Shredded Wheat’ and within this theme we are looking at map reading and using a compass to find directions. In Maths we have been looking at making larger numbers by thinking how many 10’s are in the number and how many ones. In our English we are looking at questioning words and how we use them and what replies they generate. We have had a brilliant first week back.
In our theme Come Fly With Me Asia we have been focusing on India. Today we have been cooking! We have made two curries. One was a lentil dahl and the other was a vegetable curry. This afternoon we have been to our restaurant and ate our food, along with naan bread, poppadoms and rice. The children used their senses to describe the smells, what they could hear, see and how the food tasted. We are so proud of everyone as they all tried some new foods! 🇮🇳👏🏻😊❤️
Today we launched our Times Tables Rockstars Battle of the Bands. Each week we will find out the class that wins their year group battle and they will be awarded the year group trophy.
This is week two of our visit to 🇨🇳 China! We enjoyed exploring noodles with chopsticks, making money wallets, creating Chinese flags, making dragon heads and then having a dragon dance around our school, Chinese writing and of course the food tasting! What a busy week!
This week we have been learning how to solve problems in maths. We had to use the digits 0-7 once to complete a puzzle square. The aim was to find trios of numbers with a total of 10. The children worked in pairs to plan their approach together. When they did not get the correct answer they tried a new approach demonstrating great resilience. Everyone used good reasoning skills and eventually solved the number puzzle! Well done 7 Blue!
This week in our maths we have been exploring pattern. We saw patterns in our environment, produced some of our own and became pattern experts!
The Nursery children all agreed that fruit and vegetables are healthy and we set about exploring. First we used all our senses to explore a range of fruits and vegetables, talking about them using descriptive vocabulary such as furry, soft, wet, sticky, smooth and sweet. We printed with different types of fruit and vegetables, talking about the colours and shapes. We investigated which fruit and vegetables float and which ones sink and we have used our knowledge of shape and number to make fruit faces. Why not continue exploring at home and see if you notice any interesting fruit and vegetables while you are out and about.
This week the children were introduced to the part – whole model in maths. We played around changing the numbers in the two parts and added them together to find the whole. We made number sentences to go with our models. We noticed that we can change the number sentence around when adding together.