Another busy week! The children are really developing their phonics and maths skills and using these skills in their independent time. Fabulous creative work and amazing team work.
Another busy week! The children are really developing their phonics and maths skills and using these skills in their independent time. Fabulous creative work and amazing team work.
Today in Science, 3 Red carried out an investigation to see which objects we could see our reflection in . We then used torches to check if light could be reflected from the objects.
After that, we discussed which item would be most useful in giving light in the hold of a ship for a slave travelling from Africa to America in the 1700s.
The children decided that a mirror would be the most useful object, as it would reflect the light.
Nursery have been working hard this week learning about the number 2. We have found lots of ways to represent the number 2, using our fingers, numicon, dice and objects. We have; found 2, subitized 2 played matching 2 games, painted on one side of paper butterflies then folded them to make 2 spots, we have been on a 2 treasure hunt, made a 2 snack and searched for 2 golden coins in the sand. we have also had lots of updates from parents about their children finding 2 at home. Well done everyone.
Another fabulous week in Reception. In our learning means the world theme we have been visiting India. We have been looking at Indian culture, traditions and dancing! Our Sounds Write skills are developing and we have had so much fun in the snow!
This week in DT, we made African style food and drink as part of our ‘Come Fly With Me Africa’ theme. We made pomegranate couscous and a banana and mango smoothie. WE carefully followed the recipe and at the end we got to taste the yummy couscous and smoothie!
1 Red have been doing Gymnasts in PE this week. They have been learning various ways to curl their bodies to enable them to roll. The had to remember to have good posture when starting and finishing their movements. We definitely have some budding Gymnasts amongst us.
Today in LMTW .Come Fly with me Arctic Circle’ 1 Red focused on the subject of Art. The children had built ‘inukshuks’ (a structure of rough stones stacked in the form of a human figure, traditionally used by Inuit people as a landmark or commemorative sign). The figure of the inukshuk is omnipresent in Inuit tradition. The children used teamwork to work together to make wonderful representations.
Nursery invited parents for a Stay and Play session. We showed off our ‘Wake-Up Shake-Up dance and our welcome song, before showing the parents some of the activities that we do in our maths sessions. The children loved showing off our nursery to their parents and the parents enjoyed finding out more about what their children do when they are at nursery.
The children explored what life was like during the early days of the Benin Kingdom. They explored what it would be like to trade items with other members of the community. After realising that trading in small communities would be difficult, the children began to trade with other groups in the class. They understood that this was how small villages grew into large settlements like the Benin Kingdom did.
We have been looking at the artist Christy Brown. We found out that he had Cerebral Palsy and that his only working limb was his left leg. He created his fantastic drawings with his left foot. We were so inspired that we decided to have a go ourselves and we soon found out that it was harder than we thought it was going to be. Christy Brown is certainly a hero!