In our learning means the world theme ‘Internation Media Station’ we have been looking at the ways in which tv and radio companies capture our attention. We looked at the art work used and the jingles that keep us singing. We then worked as a group to come up with our own jingle to introduce a new breakfast cereal. The children were amazing both at designing their cereal box and coming up with a catchy jingle. I am still singing along with ‘panda Pops’!
Last Thursday was a very exciting day in 3 Blue, as we were on the last chapter of our very exciting book ‘Stitch Head’. By Guy Bass. To help celebrate what has been such a great book we went to read it in the new outdoor classroom. As you can see from the pictures we all felt very honored to be one of the first classes in there.
Yesterday Hebburn Lakes had a visit from Reverand Ian who is from St John’s church. He talked to the children about powerful animals and then moved on to talk about parts of our body that are powerful. He then discussed how our tongue is so powerful because of what we say and the impact it can have. The children had lots of ideas about the words we could use. Some of the suggestions were: beautiful, gorgeous, I love you and stay positive.
Year 2 had the pleasure of working with Mr Bryant and his company Meia Partnership to look at how digital technology is used in the media world. This was part of our theme of Inter-Nation Media Station. We looked at different microphones and cameras. We watched how the company made an advert and then we watched one of our friends travel to different places using Green Screen technology. It was so much fun!
In 1 Red this week we listened to the story of Little Red Riding Hood as part our LMTW ‘Happily Ever After’. As part of the Design and Technology element mixed with a little bit of Maths we made some cookies like the ones Red Riding took to her Grandma. First we looked at the ingredients, then measured them appropriately before rolling and cutting out the cookies. Next we placed them in the oven before finally eating them. The final consensus was that they were delicious!
The children in 2 Blue have had a great start to the year. We have made messages with counters and flags and looked at various ways of communicating. We have worked on working out the tens and ones in any given number and what it looks like. We have settled in to our new routines and even though there is a little bit more to do, we know we are going to smash Year 2!
This week we have been working really hard on our place value in maths. Today we have been doing flexible partitioning of numbers to 1000. Although this sounds really complicated, 3 Blue have been amazing and are always ready for the next challenge.
As it is coming to the end of our school year we have celebrated our hard work and achievements by taking part in a fantastic fun day. We enjoyed bowling, climbing, drawing, dancing, watching stunts, flight school and even pushing potatoes.
Today in RE, we explored why people visit Durham Cathedral. In the morning, we learned about who Saint Cuthbert was and why Durham Cathedral is important. Then, we looked at photographs of Durham Cathedral and drew detailed drawings. In the afternoon, we dressed up as monks and went on a pilgrimage around the school.
In LMTW, we created our own weapons to act out The Battle of Stamford Bridge.