It’s been a busy half term in PE, we have covered many topics over the 3 key phases both at school and off site at various locations from Dance, Gymnastics. Linking, Bridges, Symmetry, Asymmetry, Swimming and much more. Feedback from groups of children has been really positive with them saying they enjoy it and are learning new skills. Here is just a snap shot of some of the work that has been going.
Today we have been exploring our very snowy outside area! Sledging, snowballs, snow angels, making large ice cubes for an igloo and so much more!
We’ve had so much fun in gymnastics today. As you can see we’ve enjoyed completing our challenges and gained so much confidence in trying new things.
This week in 5 Red we have enjoyed lots of creative activities linked to our new theme, “Come Fly With Me America”.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in line-dancing, looking at traditional and modern dance techniques. They followed the steps to a classic line dancing song, “Achy Breaky Heart” by Billy ray Cyrus, followed by a modern dance to Steps 5, 6, 7, 8. As you can see 5 Red thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We may have some future line-dancers in our midst! Yee-Haw!
We have also been learning about Native American culture this week. The children then enjoyed designing and creating their own dream catchers using different materials. The final results were beautiful and all so unique, like our children!
As part of our theme ‘Cry Freedom’ we have been discussing slavery and what it means. We looked at different dance motifs and developed them to create a dance piece.
Here is a selection of photos from Yewdale at Thurston. Well done everyone!
Here is a selection of photos from Eskdale at Thurston. Well done everyone!
Here are a selection of photos from Grizedale at Thurston. Well done everyone!
Here are a selection of photos from Langdale at Thurston. Well done everyone!
Reception have begun their Little Movers PE sessions.
Little Movers is an exciting Dance and Movement company that offer fun engaging classes for early years PE. The children are all engaged and are having great fun learning new skills and techniques which in turn helps them to develop their gross motor skills.