This week is School Diversity Week. In Reception we have been celebrating our differences. We drew rainbow people, created rainbow bunting and also drew around our friends outside and made them into rainbows with chalk.
This week is School Diversity Week. In Reception we have been celebrating our differences. We drew rainbow people, created rainbow bunting and also drew around our friends outside and made them into rainbows with chalk.
We had a super ‘Career’s Day’ on Wednesday! We spent the day learning about all the different professions and jobs people do. During the morning, we learnt about TV and video marketing and then we tried on some NHS scrubs. In afternoon, we spoke to a few people about the jobs they do. Later on, we had a visit from Tracey, an author, who wrote a book called Frogsby. During the session, we listened to how the inspiration of the story came about and listened to the story being read. Then, we produced our own book characters. We had an awesome day!
This morning School Council joined in with the assembly. In their rolls as OPAL ambassadors they talked about all of the positive and amazing things they have seen or been involved in since OPAL started. They also reminded their friends how we need to use the equipment properly. They were amazing!
As part of our whole school Careers Day, nursery had some special visitors yesterday. We had a visit from a children’s occupational therapist, Alison, who told us about how she helps children develop independence.
We were also visited by a local author, Lauren Taylor (nee Davis), who shared her books ‘The Scoliosaurus’ and ‘The Rainbow Snail’ We loved the stories and hearing about the inspiration behind them. Lauren left us with some lovely craft activities too – a personalised banner including some of her characters and some snails for us to design our own shells. We had great fun getting creative!
We enjoyed role play activities, playing games and listening to stories about different jobs too.
This week Year 2 have started their new Learning Means the World theme, Going Wild!
To start our science based theme we collected photographs of our pets. We used guidance from the RSPCA to create posters of ‘How to looks after pets’.
The children showed just how knowledgeable and caring they are, and produced brilliant, eye-catching posters, full of good advice for pet owners.
As part of our LMTW theme ‘Food Glorious Food’ we have been looking at ‘sweet foods’ We have used the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ throughout the week including Drawing Club. The children have been building the bears house using 3D shapes which was part of our maths this week. We talked about which shapes would be the best for building and why. They recreated the story, wrote captions, read instructions of how to make porridge and used their maths skills of full and empty to recreate the porridge scene, also using size to make sure the bears were in the corrects chairs! We tasted honey and talked about how it is a healthy sweet option and why. We then ate a variety of sweet foods and timed how long it would take to eat them. We talked about which took the longest/shortest times and why, using our science skills of how chocolate melts and why. We looked at and discussed which sweet foods are healthy and which are not healthy, ask your children to tell you, they were experts!
We are thrilled to share with you that our Rainbow Flag evidence has been reviewed from our recent audit and we can proudly say that we have achieved the award again!
Well done to the children, staff and wider school community for supporting us and joining our commitment to positive LGBT+ inclusion and visibility.
We have had a very busy week in Reception. We have been learning about the Easter Story and the build up to Easter. The importance of Easter for Christians and what symbols represent Easter. We have been making chicks, eggs, baskets, chocolate nest, retelling the story of Easter and so much more! Ask us to tell you about Easter and when you are supposed to have Easter eggs!
We had a lovely afternoon helping out with the garden area. We planted some plants, made wild flower bombs, went on a scavenger hunt and collected lots of natural resources.
With the help and expertise of Williby Rocks, Year 2 were selected for the first session in transforming our school garden into a Well-being Garden.
The children had an opportunity to take part in a bug hunt and explore the mini-beasts in the garden at this time of year, as well as encourage more wildlife by creating bug hotels.