A very busy Spring 1 RE day at Hebburn Lakes!
Today in RE, we discussed and explored why Lent is important to Christians. We discussed what Lent is and created a booklet all about Lent. Then, we created some artwork, using water colours to create a sunset background with a silhouette of cross to represent the cross that Jesus died on.

We had an assembly with Reverend Ian from St John’s church. Today he talked to the children about break time. He recalled a story from the New Testament regarding the day of Sabbath. He talked about how the day of Sabbath is a day of rest, time to recharge and how beneficial it is. He then discussed whether we should also do jobs, relating it to Jesus helping people on the Sabbath day. We talked about Jesus healing people and helping others. How we could also help people during our breaks? The children came up with some fabulous ideas of how we can help each other during our breaks. Suggestions such as helping people who are lonely by playing with them, if someone is hurt then make sure they are ok or get them some help, let people join in with games or agree to play a few different games so everyone gets to choose their own ideas. We then had a school prayer and sang a song.
For RE day, we explored the question ‘ Why do Christians call Jesus the light of the world?’ We started off by reading the story about Jesus healing a blind man, then we discussed the significance of Christingles for Christians. Lastly, we created stain glass windows to represent how Christians may view Jesus as the light of the world.
Take a look at what activities each year group carried out on or RE Day this week!
Today we talked about the Christmas story. We asked who knew the characters, who they were and which character was the most important in the story of Christmas . We discussed which parts the children in Reception are playing in our performance and how Christians often recreate the story in their church at Christmas. Some of the children then recreated the story and built a stable and others decided to paint the nativity scene.
Our R.E. day this term looked at how light is used as a symbol in all religions. Diwali with the lamps, Hanukkah with the Menorah, and Christianity with advent. We found that Christianity uses light as a representation of hope and joy. We made a Christingle and talked about what each part represented. The orange = the world, the ribbon = Gods love, the candle = Jesus, the sticks = the four seasons and the sweet treats = all of Gods creations. We enjoyed creating our Christingle and were excited to bring them home to talk about them with our grown ups.
We had a visit from Reverend Ian at St. John’s church. He talk about Remembrance Sunday. He mentioned how we remember things (like playing a memory game) and how it is so important to remember people who went to war. He then explained how in the bible it mentions peaceful people dying for good people and that we should not take peace for granted.
This half term we have been learning how Hindus worship. Here is some of our work!
This half term we have been learning what Sikhs believe and why Sikhs go to the Gurdwara. Here is some of our work!