This week in year 4 we have been investigating the permeability of different rocks. The children discovered rocks such as slate and granite were less permeable than rocks such as limestone and sandstone.
Our theme for this half term is ‘Rocky the Findosaur’. We are learning about rocks and soils, so for our first lesson, we looked at lots of different types of rocks and drew sketches of them.
Another busy week! The children are really developing their phonics and maths skills and using these skills in their independent time. Fabulous creative work and amazing team work.
Today in Science, 3 Red carried out an investigation to see which objects we could see our reflection in . We then used torches to check if light could be reflected from the objects.
After that, we discussed which item would be most useful in giving light in the hold of a ship for a slave travelling from Africa to America in the 1700s.
The children decided that a mirror would be the most useful object, as it would reflect the light.
Another fabulous week in Reception. In our learning means the world theme we have been visiting India. We have been looking at Indian culture, traditions and dancing! Our Sounds Write skills are developing and we have had so much fun in the snow!
2 Red showed true perseverance and determination during Science this week.
They took a leaf out of Thomas Edison’s book and investigated how to build a complete circuit. After lots of trial and error, problem solving, and teamwork, they all managed to successfully complete the circuit and light up the bulb.
They talked like scientists throughout the lesson asking ‘what if…’ questions, making predictions and drawing conclusions.
Over the last week we have been looking at all the different components of a circuit, bulbs, batteries, wires and switches. Today we used our knowledge to create a working circuit. We used the crocodile clips to attach our components and watched what happened when the circuit was broken. We created a simple circuit and then drew a technically correct drawing using the correct symbols for each component.
This week in Reception we have been using our knowledge of circles and triangles to sort and create shape pictures. We used lots of positional language as we made our way round the obstacle course. We have been working on our Sounds Write skills and made lots of fabulous creations!
In Year One we have become ‘Arctic Explorers’ as part of our theme ‘Come Fly with me Arctic Circle’. The children are really enjoying role-playing in our Arctic area. They have to use associated language and ‘act out’ living as an Inuit in the Arctic. They are having great fun reading and writing about all things Arctic too!
A fabulous first week back! We have been looking at China in our Learning Means The World theme ‘Come fly with me Asia’. We have been looking at Chinese artefacts, writing our names in Chinese and we even made a Chinese restaurant in our home corner! We also talked about Remembrance Sunday and made poppies, our tree is looking amazing!