Reception had their first ‘Little Movers’ PE session today. Lots of dancing and following routines, team work and balancing skills! We all had a fabulous time and feel super fit.
In our theme Come Fly With Me Asia we have been focusing on India. Today we have been cooking! We have made two curries. One was a lentil dahl and the other was a vegetable curry. This afternoon we have been to our restaurant and ate our food, along with naan bread, poppadoms and rice. The children used their senses to describe the smells, what they could hear, see and how the food tasted. We are so proud of everyone as they all tried some new foods! 🇮🇳👏🏻😊❤️
In our theme ‘Come Fly With Me Asia’ we have travelled to India. We looked at some artefacts and placed a Bindi on our foreheads. We have been trying out some Bollywood dancing and found out about the ceremony of Rakhi. The children then made some Rakhi bracelets and we have started to make Indian flags 🇮🇳. We also investigated some of the spices used in traditional Indian foods. The children used their senses to look at, smell and taste them. We were so impressed that most children wanted to try them!
Throughout this theme of ‘Come Fly With Me: Arctic’ we have been looking at the different animals and how they survive in a harsh environment. We discovered that many Arctic animals have blubber to keep them warm. We decided that we wanted to see what difference blubber makes to an animal. We became scientists and we placed our hands in icy water. We then placed our hands in blubber (zip pocket with butter in) and put them back in the water. We concluded that the blubber stops the animal feeling cold. It was great fun!
In Science this week, we have been learning all about ‘The Digestive System’.
This is week two of our visit to 🇨🇳 China! We enjoyed exploring noodles with chopsticks, making money wallets, creating Chinese flags, making dragon heads and then having a dragon dance around our school, Chinese writing and of course the food tasting! What a busy week!
Year 2 have been learning about the famous scientist Thomas Edison, who invented the lightbulb.
They used their investigation and problem solving skills to complete a circuit and power a light bulb.
The determination paid off and lit up their smiles too!
The Nursery children all agreed that fruit and vegetables are healthy and we set about exploring. First we used all our senses to explore a range of fruits and vegetables, talking about them using descriptive vocabulary such as furry, soft, wet, sticky, smooth and sweet. We printed with different types of fruit and vegetables, talking about the colours and shapes. We investigated which fruit and vegetables float and which ones sink and we have used our knowledge of shape and number to make fruit faces. Why not continue exploring at home and see if you notice any interesting fruit and vegetables while you are out and about.
Year 6 were scientists this afternoon as they carried out an investigation into the effects of air resistance. We had already learned that air resistance is a type of friction and today we looked at it in action. The children planned a fair test involving parachutes of different sizes. By timing their descents, we were able to conclude that objects with a larger surface area generate more air resistance. This is great news for skydivers! Super teamwork everyone!
As part of our Learning Means The World theme ‘Happy to be Me,’ we have been looking at our 5 senses and how we use each one. Today we focused on the senses: taste, smell, touch and hearing. We tried various different foods and used associated vocabulary to describe how they felt; whether we could hear noises when we were eating the foods; how they tasted and all of the different smells.
The children were amazing as everyone tried foods they had not tasted before. The sour- sweet was the best, we had some funny faces from that experience !