In our Learning Means The World theme we looked at programming and the algorithms we can make. We used Scratchjr to start looking at programming commands and making our sprite move across the screen. We worked with our partner and wrote a set of commands together to complete our activity. It was great fun!
Dear Parent / Carer
The Department for Education (DfE) has provided grant funding to South Tyneside Council, to
co-ordinate free holiday provision for children and young people aged 5-16 years entitled to freeschool meals. The HAF programme has key objectives for children including:
To have access to free healthy food over the school holidays
To be more active during the school holidays
To take part in free fun, engaging and enriching activities supporting resilience and wellbeing
To be safe and make new friends in a sociable environment.
During the main school holidays of Easter, Summer and Christmas thousands of places can be booked ‘free of charge’ for a vast range of sport, arts/crafts, dance, and drama activities, along with family events such as bowling at The Dunes, nature activities at the Brockley Allotments and performances at The Customs House. We also have organisations that provide specific sessions for
SEND children.
All information regarding the activities on offer and how to book can be found at: and bookings for our Spring programme will go live at
4pm on Friday 17 th March.
Please refer to the letter and leaflet attached for more information.
After reading ‘The tiger who came to tea’ in English, we decided to invite a different type of animal for tea. We thought about who to invite and made a list of things that we could have for tea. One of the suggestions was a jam sandwich. The children read and followed a set of instructions to help them make their own jam sandwiches. We wrote our own set of instructions for others to follow. The children said it was the best English lesson ever!
In our theme of Unity In The Community we have been looking at our local area and discussing what we can see around us daily. The children realised that their area has lots of trees and plants and we discussed what these plants needed to grow. We then planted our own Lima bean and we can’t wait to see if we get beans from it. We then labelled a plant and if you ask us,
we can tell you the difference between an Evergreen tree and a Deciduous tree (Yes we are that clever!)
School Council introduce the Hebburn Lakes chant!
We have a new chant, using ideas from all of the children… it is fabulous!
Year 1 loved our theme of ‘Out Of This World’ on world book day. They came dressed as all manner of intergalactic oddities. We based our activities around the book, ‘There’s an alien in your book’ by Tom Fletcher. We firstly created our own alien using playdough and thought of its name, which planet it came from and what it likes to eat (I’m a little scared by how many aliens are out there who want to eat Teachers!). We then built a rocket to take our aliens back to their home planet (phew). In the afternoon we enjoyed learning about electricity and gas reactions with a Scientist. We found out that our bodies conduct electricity and if we hold hands we become a circuit. We also found out that trapped gas eventually has to be released and we used this knowledge to blast off some rockets. We have had a great day and can’t wait until next year!
This term we are looking at the religion of Judaism in our R.E. sessions. The children have looked at a Synagogue and the important artefacts it holds. We also looked at some of their celebrations and how they differ to the ones we know. We created our own star of David and a Menorah and were very respectful recognising and understanding differences.