Huge congratulations to our Times Tables Rock Stars Leaderboard front-runners in Key Stage Two this term. Their efforts at home and in school to be the best they can be in all-things multiplying and dividing has been nothing short of amazing! Mental maths is such an important part of our journey in mathematics in school and regular practice a few times each week can make a significant difference to confidence, progress and attainment. Well done everyone and keep up the good work after Easter!
Reverend Ian from St Johns Church joined us for our Easter Celebration assembly. We looked at the Easter Story and how sometimes the impossible can happen. Easter is a sign of new life and new hope and that we should rejoice in the lessons Jesus taught us.
Happy Easter!
Last week’s attendance was amazing!
Rec Blue
1 Red
2 Red
3 Red
4 Red
5 Red
6 Blue
6 Red
Have all rolled the dice and won a prize from the attendance-opoly board.
Well done to all the children who attended 100%, here are some of our wonderful attendees!
The children in Year 3 have been learning to sing the ‘rainbow song’ in French this term. très bien!
This afternoon, 3 Red had a biscuit treat as a prize on Attendance-opoly! We decorated biscuits using food colouring, sweets and icing sugar. Well done and keep up the hard work 3 Red.
This week in our Learning Means The World theme ‘Athens V Sparta’ we have been building a Grecian car. We used our measuring skills to measure each piece of wood and used the saws to cut the lines we measured. We followed the safety instructions for using the saws to ensure we used the equipment safely. We are very proud of our finished products and even got to race them!
Dear Community,
Smile Through Sport are a North East based disability sport charity. They are excited to be promoting their Easter holiday activity sessions for children and young people with SEND.
Sessions will take place in Cramlington, Newcastle, Newton Aycliffe, Peterlee and Stanley and will be fun, engaging and interactive providing a wide range of fun activities, sports and games, adapted for all disabilities. Siblings are welcome to attend too!
Find out more about the charity and the great work that they do, or book a place on an event using the information on the flyer or by clicking on the link above.