We had a lovely afternoon helping out with the garden area. We planted some plants, made wild flower bombs, went on a scavenger hunt and collected lots of natural resources.

This week in Music, we have been learning about notation. We learned the technical names for the notation and how many beats they are. A semibreve is 4 beats, a minim is 2 beats and a crotchet is 1 beat. In groups we created a four bar rhythm with four beats in each bar using glockenspiels and then performed it to the rest of the class. After our performances, we evaluated our compositions.
In drama this week, we discussed how school and class rules keep us safe. We came up with lots of rules that we follow in school and created a short performance to show what might happen if the rules were broken. After our performances, we thought of adjectives to describe what the school would be like if rules were always broken.
Dear Community,
Smile Through Sport are a North East based disability sport charity. They are excited to be promoting their Easter holiday activity sessions for children and young people with SEND.
Sessions will take place in Cramlington, Newcastle, Newton Aycliffe, Peterlee and Stanley and will be fun, engaging and interactive providing a wide range of fun activities, sports and games, adapted for all disabilities. Siblings are welcome to attend too!

Find out more about the charity and the great work that they do, or book a place on an event using the information on the flyer or by clicking on the link above.
We have had an amazing time celebrating World Book Day! We have spent the day doing lots of fun activities around Roald Dahl’s books. We created storyboards about ‘The Magic Finger’, went on a book hunt around the school, created our own ‘Dream Jars’, went on the hunt for a hidden golden ticket and did lots of fun activities in the hall!
The children in Key Stage 2 have been enjoying stories in French this week to celebrate World Book Day – La Journée du livre (translates as the Day of the Book)
Year 3 listened to the story ” Toutes les couleurs “( All the colours) Year 4 read the story “Le loup qui voulait changer de couleur” ( The wolf who wanted to change colour) Year 5 enjoyed the story “Pâques Schtroumpfantes” ( Smurphing Easter) The children then completed a book review for the story.
This week, Year 4 have been studying the works of Dutch post-impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh. First we found out a little about him, then we had a class critique of some of his art work. We looked at the style of his work and the way that he used lines to create different moods and images.
Finally, after practising different techniques, we tried to recreate one of van Gogh’s more famous pieces ‘Starry Night’. Van Gogh painted it from memory during the day, as he was not able to paint from his bedroom. But he was able to create sketches in ink and charcoal and it was these sketches that we recreated. Have a look at some of our fabulous sketchbook and art work.
Our School Council visited Toner Avenue Primary School this week to look at their OPAL environment and talk to their OPAL ambassadors!