This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. It’s a chance to think about our mental health and what we can do to protect it.
The place where we go to for comfort and to feel calm is very important as it often helps us to feel better when we are experiencing worries.
Where is your ‘happy place?’ At the beach listening to the waves, walking in the woods, cooking something delicious, spending time with your family, walking the dog?
We would love you to send us some photographs throughout this week showing us the places that make you and your child feel happy and calm.
Miss Fada
Senior Mental Health Lead
This half-term, our gardening club have already achieved their Level 1 award, from the Royal Horticultural Society!
Working in the school garden, we are aiming to get some edible produce (fruits and vegetables) planted, ready to harvest and taste test ourselves.
Adding to our level 1 award, we have also officially been given our School Gardening member plaque and are continuing to work our green fingers, to reach levels 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Well done gardeners, keep up the fantastic work!
Dear Community,
SATs and Exams are upon us and this can be a very anxious time for many young people. Please get in touch with Kooth if you feel that you need some additional support with Mental Health and Wellbeing, especially anxiety.
This year, Mental Health Awareness Week #MHAW takes place during 15th – 21st May.
See the flyer below which outlines how to get in touch with Kooth.
For general information about what Kooth has to offer please click the link below or scan the QR code.
We have had an amazing time celebrating the Coronation. We made nature crowns and decorated tiles.
To celebrate the King’s Coronation we made celebration tiles as a keepsake to mark the occasion. Aren’t our designs beautiful?
Dear Community,
The Local Education Authority would like you to know about the SENDIASS Team (Special Educational Needs and Disability, Information Advice and Support Service), who are here to support parents, carers and staff, or anyone else who supports anyone with additional needs.
Epinay Business and Enterprise School have the pleasure of hosting an event with the SENDIASS Team on Wednesday 21 June 15.30 – 17.30.
If you would like to meet services and find out more about the support that is on offer then you can book a free ticket.
Please see the flyer for more information!
Scan the QR code, get in touch at the address on the flyer or click on the following link.