Year 4 have shown their amazing art skills this week. They have created their own printing designs, made them using lino pads and then used paint to create a multi-layered piece of work.
4 Blue’s tasty attendance treats. As a reward for good attendance 4 Blue decorated biscuits.
As part of the Council’s ongoing commitment to making our local area inclusive for children and young people with SEND, we are currently looking for views from parents/carers on parks and play areas, specifically specialist equipment within them. Would it be possible for you to share the following information with parents/carers via any methods you use (social media, e-mail etc)
South Tyneside Council is committed to improving local parks and play areas for children and young people with SEND. Following feedback from families, we are looking to install specialist/accessible equipment in parks and play areas across the local area. We would like to get your views on this. Please complete this survey to tell us your views.
Well done to those children who achieved 100% attendance for last week.
Keep up the great effort!
Every school day counts in a child’s academic life… A missed school day is a lost opportunity for children to learn.
To celebrate World Mental Health day on Monday, Year 4 took some “me time”. In between making our DT projects, we took some time to relax. We had a 5 minute meditation with some lovely soothing music using Tibetan singing bowls and also did some mindfulness colouring and drawing.