This week the children had a fantastic opportunity to take part in R.E workshops based around the Indian festival of colour, ‘Holi’. Kalpesh from K’z Dance Entertainment Ltd taught all the children some traditional Indian dances and discussed with them the meaning of the Holi festival. At the end of the day the whole school came together and performed the dances taught earlier in the day, the children and staff had some wonderful moves! At the end of the performance everyone took part in throwing colourful dyes at one another to celebrate Holi, just like it is carried out in India.
This week year 4 have completed another ‘Get Ahead’ challenge. They designed group murals based on the theme ‘Conservation’. Well done year 4.
Year 4 have had a great afternoon making and sampling the foods and drinks of Jamaica.
As part of our theme this half term, ‘Picture Our Planet’, the children have completed their own independent pieces of homework. Well done 4 Blue.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Jubilee Coffee morning today, it was an amazing success and lovely to see parents back in school again. It was also great to see the art produced by the children as well as a special performance from Year 6.
Have a look at the amazing art from across the school.
As part of our Jubilee celebrations we our learning about ‘Jamaica’, one of the Commonwealth countries. Today we have created sunset pictures inspired by the beautiful locations in Jamaica.