Child exploitation takes many forms, and any child or young person can be exploited – there is no stereotypical victim.
We all need to:
- help prevent children becoming victims,
- be aware of the signs that a child might be being exploited, and
- speak out if we see something suspicious.
For everyone’s awareness | Parents and Carers |
Spot the Warning Signs – STOP CE – (
Can you spot the abuser? – STOP CE – (
It’s Not Okay – Real Stories (
Child Sexual Exploitation & How to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC including a helpline
Criminal exploitation and gangs | NSPCC including a helpline |
Helpful Guides – STOP CE – (
There are several different guides. Ones to highlight are:
Northumbria police – County Lines Awareness for parents/carers
Northumbria Police – Sharing Nudes – a guide for parents and carers |
Thank you for your support.
Wow 2 Purple certainly know how to use our new sensory circuits!
So this years theme was ‘Out Of This World’ and wow what an amazing day we had! Here are just some of the fantastic pictures of the amazing costumes, beautiful art and creative activities we did. We also had an ‘out of this world ‘ workshop with Josh from RTC.
Dear Parent / Carer
The Department for Education (DfE) has provided grant funding to South Tyneside Council, to
co-ordinate free holiday provision for children and young people aged 5-16 years entitled to freeschool meals. The HAF programme has key objectives for children including:
To have access to free healthy food over the school holidays
To be more active during the school holidays
To take part in free fun, engaging and enriching activities supporting resilience and wellbeing
To be safe and make new friends in a sociable environment.
During the main school holidays of Easter, Summer and Christmas thousands of places can be booked ‘free of charge’ for a vast range of sport, arts/crafts, dance, and drama activities, along with family events such as bowling at The Dunes, nature activities at the Brockley Allotments and performances at The Customs House. We also have organisations that provide specific sessions for
SEND children.
All information regarding the activities on offer and how to book can be found at: and bookings for our Spring programme will go live at
4pm on Friday 17 th March.
Please refer to the letter and leaflet attached for more information.