Don’t forget it’s our Jubilee Coffee morning in the school hall at 9am tomorrow.
Don’t forget it’s our Jubilee Coffee morning in the school hall at 9am tomorrow.
6 Red have begun our new LMTW theme, Global Warning!
As part of our topic, we explored the impact of pollution, specifically ocean pollutants.
We found out that oil and chemicals make up the largest proportion of ocean pollution, however it is difficult to remove from the sea once it has been contaminated.
During our investigation, we attempted to find the most efficient method of clearing the oil from the water.
Many of us hypothesised that the sponge would work the best, as it absorbs water, however we realised that water has smaller particles than oil.
In the end, believe it or not, our result found that a pair of nylon tights that attracted the oil and successfully separated it; we discussed that due to it’s similar properties, oil is attracted to nylon!
Dear Parents and Carers,
Smile through Sport are pleased to be running sport and physical activity sessions for children and young people with SEND during the May Half Term across Northumberland, Durham and Tyne & Wear. All family members are welcome to attend the sessions too!
Huge and well-deserved congratulations to all of our Year 6 children for completing their Key Stage Two Sats this week. You all displayed our Navigators’ qualities of being focused overcomers to apply your skills in such a cool, calm and collected manner. Well done everyone!
Today we held our first special Attendance Assembly which will become a weekly event every Monday morning
An extra well done to 3 Blue who achieved 100% last week, 6 Blue and Reception Red who achieved 99%.
Well done to 1 Blue and 1 Red who achieved 97% and 4 Red and Reception Blue who achieved 96%
The overall attendance has improved to 95.65%