Dear parent/carer,
As another busy term is drawing to an end and the children prepare for the excitement that lies ahead, I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for your continued support. It has been fantastic to see a full return of all of our Christmas events this year and the support you gave at each and everyone. As always, the staff and children have worked incredibly hard to ensure that throughout the term, we really do work, learn and achieve together and as their Head Teacher I couldn’t have asked for more!

Finally, as the Christmas festivities approach and we all try to create the ‘perfect Christmas’, please remember that when the children come back to school in January, it’s not the amount of presents under the tree that they talk about but the magic of the days spent indoors watching movies, of the sleepovers at their grandparents, the fact they stayed up late and saw fireworks at midnight on New Year’s Eve, or stayed in their pyjamas eating chocolate all day. And so as Christmas approaches, please be kind to yourselves, take away the pressure we all feel and remember that no matter what Christmas looks like in your house, the children will enjoy their special time at home with you.

I hope you have a lovely Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year. School reopens on Monday 9th January for another exciting term.

Mrs Moody and all of the team at Hebburn Lakes