Applying for a place in our school.
Please go to the main admissions page for South Tyneside schools.
In-Year Transfers
This information is for parents of children who need to move or start a new school outside of the usual times. This includes:
- if your child needs to move after the school year has started (the school year starts in September)
- if your child needs to move when they are part-way through primary or secondary (children usually start a new school in reception, year 3 and year 7)
How to appeal a decision about your child’s school place
The Local Authority place all children of school age, if you are not happy with the decision you can appeal it. Follow the link below for further information.
How to Appeal a School Placement Deceision
Nursery – Please see attached application or a hard copy is available from the school office.
We will accept applications from age 2. Your child will be allocated a place, the term after their 3rd birthday dependent on available places.
Please see the Nursery Admissions Policy