At Hebburn Lakes Primary School we value each child as a unique individual, bringing with them their own varied life experiences and specific needs. We aim to provide a fun and engaging curriculum which will enable every child, regardless of their gender, race or ability – or whether they access one of our Specialist Support Bases or Mainstream classes – to become confident individuals living fulfilling lives and with the resilience to successfully navigate the transitions into adulthood.
Where a barrier to learning or specific need is identified we will endeavour to find the best ways to adapt and personalise learning opportunities and resources to maximise potential. We will look for the newest research and seek out the advice of those who can help. We are committed to ensuring that barriers to learning are overcome without compromising progress, quality of learning, access to the curriculum or equipment.
To ensure equality of provision for pupils with special educational needs and disability (SEND) and to take into account legislation related to SEND;
- Provide Quality First Teaching with the view that every teacher is a teacher of SEND .
- We have a team of highly skilled staff who have the knowledge and experience to plan for and support children with a range of needs.
- To provide full access for all pupils to a broad and balanced curriculum;
- To make the necessary adaptations to the environment, delivery and curriculum in order to meet the differing needs of our more complex pupils educated within our Specialist Support Bases and across the wider school setting.
- To provide appropriate interventions that match the needs of the pupils
- To ensure that the needs of pupils with SEND are identified early;
- To ensure these pupils are assessed, monitored, planned for and regularly reviewed to improve outcomes and therefore make the necessary progress;
- To ensure parents/carers are fully engaged in decision making, assessing progress and determining goals;
- To gain the views of the child and enable them to have a voice;
- To enable pupils with SEND to achieve their potential;
- To ensure pupils are prepared for adulthood;
- To ensure SEND pupils are equipped for life in the wider community;
- To take into account the views, wishes and feelings of pupils/parents/carers;
- To provide advice and support for all staff working with pupils with SEND;
- To identify and refer pupils to the appropriate services where a need has been identified;
- To implement the advice of experts and professionals involved from outside of the school;
- To identify and direct parents to the best providers of support;
- To provide detailed information about the arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEND.
- To work closely with our Safeguarding Team;
- To work closely with our Outreach Team.
- The SENDCo will work closely with the SMT to oversee the management and implementation of the SEND policy, ensuring its effectiveness and adjusting it accordingly;
- We will be accountable for our SEND practice by reporting to governors on the progress of SEND and the strategic direction we are taking;
- The SENDCo, along with class teachers and the Early Years lead will use the Local Authority RANGE document to enable early identification of additional needs and begin the support pathways for children at the earliest opportunity.
- The SENDCo and Assistant Head Teacher meets on a termly basis with every class teacher to discuss the needs and progress of the SEND pupils.
- The SENDCo will ensure the school’s SEND register is up to date and that the name of any pupil identified as a cause for concern, including those displaying behavioural difficulties, is entered on the SEND register and then is appropriately followed through in terms of the Code of Practice suggested procedures (2014) so that every pupil will be catered for;
- The SENDCo, in collaboration with parents/carers, teaching and support staff will initiate and complete relevant referral paperwork for Early Help plans (relating to SEND), Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapy, EMTRAS, The School Nurse Service, Portage and Pre-school Service, Health Visitor Service and Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) and associated Annual Reviews. Additionally, the SENDCo will work closely with the Safeguarding Team who make referrals to the Emotional Resilience Team, Healthy Minds, Lifecycles and CYPS.
- The SENCo, Safeguarding Team and Outreach Support Team will ensure we are available to liaise with external agencies and implement their strategies and advice;
- As a supportive and diligent school we will support teachers and teaching assistants with training and expertise to ensure the best outcomes for children with SEND;
- The SENDCo and Safeguarding Team will ensure the records of children with additional needs are maintained so that any transitions between classes or schools will be effective and timely;
- The SENDCo will attend courses to keep up to date with current issues, attend regular CPD, research key SEND areas and disseminate relevant information to staff e.g. SENDCO meetings;
- The SENDCo and Senior Leaders will ensure that staff CPD needs are kept up to date by contributing to in-service training;
- The SENDCo will undertake formal and informal Learning Walks, participate in planning and book scrutinies which will enable effective monitoring of provision for SEND across the school to ensure that the best possible quality of learning takes place;
- We will strive to ensure that children are prepared for their future career choices and that they can maintain a healthy, productive lifestyle;

Mrs A Docherty Assistant Head

Ms J Donkin SENDCo
- A. SEND Policy pdf579.7 KbJan 15th, 2025
- B. Accessibility Policy & Plan document282.2 KbMay 2nd, 2024
- B. Accessibility Policy & Plan pdf455.0 KbMar 16th, 2023
- C. Resources for Parents documentMar 16th, 2023
- D. SEMH pdf13.2 MbMar 29th, 2023
- E. SEND Report pdf292.6 KbJan 14th, 2025
- F. Hebburn Lakes Pyramid of Support.pdf pdf80.2 KbMar 16th, 2023
- G. Parents Guide to SEND document338.0 KbFeb 20th, 2025