Operation Encompass
We are an Operation Encompass school. The purpose is to safeguard children and young people who are affected by domestic abuse by ensuring appropriate services are made aware of an incident at the earliest possible opportunity. Operation Encompass enables Key adults in schools, police and teams within South Tyneside Council to train and work together to help children feel safe and secure. The Key adults in school are Mrs Moody (Head Teacher), Mrs Redfern (Deputy Head), Mrs Docherty (Assistant Head) and Miss R King (Pastoral Support Officer). When the police are called to an incident involving domestic abuse and children are involved, they inform the key adults in the child’s school. The school then has 5 days to inform the Contact and Referral team as to action taken.
Operation Endeavour
Operation Endeavour was launched in Nov 2019. If a child is missing from home, school will be notified via a CCN from the police. Approximately 25% of children who go missing are at risk of severe harm ie Sexual Exploitation, County Lines. Gang Exploitation, Alcohol Abuse. The key adults involved are the same as those who deal with Operation Encompass notifications and the process is very similar. If a missing child turns up at school the police will be informed immediately. The child will then work with the LA missing person’s co-ordinator to facilitate a Return Home Interview.