Year 1 loved our theme of ‘Out Of This World’ on world book day.  They came dressed as all manner of intergalactic oddities.  We based our activities around the book, ‘There’s an alien in your book’ by Tom Fletcher. We firstly created our own alien using playdough and thought of its name, which planet it came from and what it likes to eat (I’m a little scared by how many aliens are out there who want to eat Teachers!).  We then built a rocket to take our aliens back to their home planet (phew).  In the afternoon we enjoyed learning about electricity and gas reactions with a Scientist.  We found out that our bodies conduct electricity and if we hold hands we become a circuit.  We also found out that trapped gas eventually has to be released and we used this knowledge to blast off some rockets.  We have had a great day and can’t wait until next year!

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